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Golden In the summer and fall, free carriage rides through historic Golden are a regular feature of Golden's First Fridays and Farmer's Market.

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Golden is a great place to explore.

Exploring Golden is just plain fun because there are so many ways to do it, and none of them involve traffic. Want to see the lay of the land first? Start at the Golden Hotel at 11th and Washingtion, and drive through downtown from north to south until you reach 19th Street. Turn east (left) on 19th, and go five blocks to Belvedere Street, and park your car. Take one of the several foot trails to the top of Golden's iconic Castle Rock. Take your dog if you have one. In half an hour you will be at the top of the rock, with Golden spread panoramically beneath you. It's well worth the hike. Click here to read a more detailed description of this hike.

For a less strenuous walk, start at the Golden Visitors Center and walk west along the Clear Creek Trail to the Billy Drew foot bridge. Cross the bridge and continue one block west on 11th; take a left on Maple and a right on 12th Street. Walk two blocks to the end of the street, where you will see the Colorado School of Mines athletic fields. On your left, you'll notice an historical marker memorializing the ten miners who were killed in the White Ash Mine Disaster in 1889. On your way back, turn right on Maple to wander through the Mines campus. When you're ready to return to your car, retrace your steps to the Billy Drew foot bridge, only this time walk along the trail on the south side of Clear Creek where you can enjoy Golden's unique Clear Creek History Park, and even feed the chickens.

For another short walk or bike ride, start at the Visitors Center and follow the sidewalk across the Washington Avenue Bridge. Here you'll find a series of plaques about the early history of Golden and Clear Creek. On the far side of the bridge, turn left and follow the bike/pedestrian path a few blocks to Vanover Park, where Golden's first settlors lynched hapless William Vanover in 1859. On your way back, pause to read the historical marker where Horace Greeley ("Go west young man, go west.") was swept from his mule and rescued by the good citizens of Golden City when he followed his own advice by attempting to ford Clear Creek. At Washington Avenue, cross Clear Creek on the near side to read even more historical notes about Golden.

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